Our funds are intended to benefit local residents living within 5km of a turbine in the Fullabrook Wind Farm, and primarily the 13 parishes of Ashford, Berrynarbor, Bittadon, Braunton, East Down, Georgeham, Heanton Punchardon, Ilfracombe, Marwood, Mortehoe, Shirwell, West Down, and West Pilton.    
Applications for projects that take place outside of this geographical area must evidence that a significant proportion of beneficiaries are living withthe area of benefit.  


Not for profit organisations (with a clear not-for-profit statement in their governance document) including

  • Voluntary and Community groups (with a committee and constitution)
  • Sports Clubs
  • Registered charities
  • Community Interest Companies 


Grants can be considered for a range of purposes and could include:

  • Capital purchases and projects (building /equipment / renovation)
  • Project costs
  • Running costs (our small grants programme only)
  • Start-up / seed funding costs (very small grants programme only)

Activities might include: affordable recreation and activities; promotion and provision of energy efficiency, energy conservation, and the development of renewable energy resources; sustainable transport schemes; community safety.



Grants cannot be considered for:

  • Projects that promote religious or political beliefs, though we may consider funding for church buildings if the project is primarily for community benefit than religious purposes.
  • Projects that are the statutory responsibility of the local authority or other similar organisation.
  • Capital improvements or alterations to government owned buildings or assets (including school buildings).
  • Staff costs or salaries.
  • Work that has already taken place, or costs that have already been incurred (ie, retrospective funding). Please note it can take 6 weeks or more for a decision on your application, so please apply in plenty of time.
  • Local authority projects, or projects that enhance local authority assets, though we will consider Parish Council applications with clear community benefit.
  • Domestic animal rescue and refuge projects, though we are able to fund projects that support wildlife and conservation in our area of benefit.
  • Grants for personal or individual benefit, such as bursaries for adventure or residential courses, expeditions, overseas travel or education.
  • Applications from large or national charities which enjoy widespread support.
We hope that our website and application guidelines have addressed any questions you may have had. If not, we are happy to answer
any questions by email if you would like advice or more information before submitting an application: admin@fullabrook-cic.org

Please note that as our office is not staffed fulltime we do not have a telephone number, and we do not accept applications by post.
Applications and supporting information should be submitted by email.